Welcome to Durango 9R Schools Athletic and Activities Registration
Athletics & Activities Office Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Registration for all sports and activities over the summer prior to the school year is recommended to ensure your student is cleared to participate prior to tryouts and the first day of practice. Check each team pages for pre-season conditioning, camps, tryouts and practice dates. Please contact the athletics office if you have not registered prior to the deadline date.
Registration Deadlines:
- Activities: Beginning of the 2024-2025 School Year
- Registration Deadline - Spring Sports: February 14, 2025 / Try Out Date & First Day of Practice: February 24 (*Golf: TBD)
Online registration is required to participate in all CHSAA sanctioned sports and activities at Durango High School. In order to tryout or practice the following items must be completed:
- Complete the online registration form. Please use your existing family account to register. Do not create a new account unless you have not created a family account for middle school and/or high school prior to this year. You will only need to create one account for registration per family.
- Submit current physical with an authorized physician’s signature. Physicals are valid for one full year from the signed date. Physicals can be uploaded when registering online or emailed to tcreek@durangoschools.org. A current physical is required before a student is allowed to participate in practice, tryouts or games.
- Please have insurance information to input.
- Activity fee payment. Payment may be made after tryouts. If your student is on the free or reduced school meal program, please let our office know.
2024 - 2025 Activity Fees
Students pay a fee for each sport and activity in which they participate.
- 9R High School Student Activity Fee $125.00 (Some activities have a $50, $100 or $150 fee as noted per activity due to event expenitures, schedules and travel.)
- Non 9-R High School Student Activity Fee $200.00
- Ice Hockey Student Activity Fee $1250 (fees are higher due to costs associated with Ice Hockey)
- 9R Middle School Student Activity Fee $50.00
- Non 9-R Middle School Student Activity Fee $85.00
- If your student has applied for the free or reduced school meal program, please let our office know.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SCHOOL YEAR 23-24: Last November, voters passed Proposition FF, which was passed into legislation as the Healthy Meals For All bill, allowing school nutrition programs to offer all meals free of charge for all students beginning school year 23-24. This means that all breakfasts and lunches will be free for all Durango School District 9-R beginning this coming school year. We will still be collecting applications for school benefits!
School districts rely on this data for other academic programs and funding. These application also benefit families by providing discounts on things like yearbooks, athletics equipment, and rec center passes. It is important to know that submitting your meal benefit application also ensures that state funding will remain available to provide meals at no cost for years to come. Click here for more information on how to apply for benefits.
Payment may be made online after you register by clicking on Pay Activity Fee in the top Quicklinks menu. Payment by check can be mailed or turned in to the front office. Please note student name/activity fee in the memo line.
Physical Examination Form
Students registering for athletics, cheer, dance and marching band must have a current physical examination uploaded to their registration account or turned into our office before the student is authorized to participate in practice or tryouts. Your doctor's office should have a physical form to fill out and give to you after your examination. To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be uploaded into your account during registration prior to the first day of practice/tryouts. Physicals are valid for 1 year from the date of the last exam. CLICK HERE FOR CHSAA's SPORT PHYSICAL FORM
As a transfer student, you are required to complete transfer paperwork. Any students other than freshmen who are transferring from another high school must apply for athletic eligibility through the CHSAA transfer process. Transfer paperwork must be completed and approved by CHSAA to participate with DHS. Please send us an email or call the DHS Athletics & Activities office with questions or help completing the transfer process.
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address them to Tana Creek (DHS), Tanaya Sandoval (MMS) or Tami Jantz (EMS).
Tana Creek - DHS Administrative Assistant for Athletics and Activities
Email: tcreek@durangoschools.org
Phone: 970-259-1630 ext 2302
Miller Middle School -
Email: Tanaya Sandoval, tsandoval@durangoschools.org
EscalanteMiddle School - Tami Jantz, Administrative Assistant
Email: tjantz@durangoschools.org
Accessibility Statement
It is the goal of Durango School District 9-R that the information on this website be accessible to individuals with visual, hearing, or cognitive disabilities. Good faith efforts are being made to ensure that our website complies with web accessibility standards.
Most pages on our site are available in HTML format, which can be read by screen readers. Some documents are in Adobe PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website. Additionally, some documents are in Google Docs, and Google Forms. Most modern browsers and screen readers can access Google-based documents. More information about Google web products accessibility can be found on the Google Accessibility website.
In order to ensure that Durango School District websites are accessible to everyone in our community, including those with disabilities, we are using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
If you cannot access any page(s) on our site, please email us at info@durangoschools.org.